David Khmaladze







David Khmaladze, a sculptor, Georgian by origin, lives in Antwerp, Belgium. 

He has his own artistic space - “Atelierdevka” in Antwerp, where he has been working, creating multidisciplinary art objects and exhibiting his sculptures, as well. 

“Atelierdevka” serves as the artistic space for joint art exhibitions, as well as the workshops and different cultural events. 

David Khmaladzeis the author of two monuments: 

“Medea With Golden Fleece” and “Prometheus”. 

Both monuments had been situated on the territory of Georgia. 

David Khmaladze had got his basic knowledge of sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Tbilisi, capital of Georgia. Afterwards he developed his skills and widened his professional experience in Prague.

Since 1990 he has been living and leading his artistic life in Belgium. 

David Khmaladze has been collaborating with several Belgian and Dutch galleries. He has been exhibiting his works within numerous International Art Contests, Art Fairs and Modern Art Exhibitions.

Some of the works of David Khmaladze had been kept by the Modern Art Museum of the Netherlands/ Museum Ton Schulten/.

Works of David Khmaladze has been bought and kept by the Private Collectors in Holland, Belgium, France as well as many European Modern and Contemporary Art galleries. 

David Khmaladze, as a sculptor, has been always searching for new materials, using different mixed media. He had been experimenting a lot with forms, shape, and material.  For him, the profession of a sculptor is an endless process of search, with unlimited potential and imaginary world. 



